Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Managing Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Managing Diversity - Essay ExampleThe history of change in UK can be traced back to over 4000 years ago, when man was apply stone tools and making the transition from a nomadic existence, living by hunting and gathering his food, to living in settlements and developing agricultural skills. Although, history of transport is very old, only during the 1930s, a few roads were upgraded to dual carriageways as a means of relieving unemployment but it was the motorway network that started to develop in the previous(predicate) 1960s that were the first major additions to the road network. (Reference Shropshire Transport)Modern day today, this industry being the 5th largest employment sector in the country and over 2.3 trillion peck being employed, the get hold of to upgrade the employment process and policies and match the same with the other industries has risen. This is more so important to this industry as batch of diverse background and cultures have taken this as a means of emplo yment. This is where the organizational behavior comes into picture to manage diversity and aiming at personifyity and Equal Opportunities for employees.As some of the greats put it, Diversity in an organization is defined as Diversity within organisations is about recognising the range of differences in quite a little and valuing people as individuals, respecting their differences and their differing needs. It is also about accommodating differences wherever possible so that an individual can play a full part in the working(a) environment (Daniels and Macdonald, 2005, p.1). First and foremost, it has to be recognized that an individual alone is unable to fulfil alone his needs and wishes and he lacks the ability, strength and time or selection for achieving all these single handed. Therefore, he must rely on others for help to achieve these. As several people are regard, there is a need to co-ordinate and establish a chain of mutual help. It is a plain truth and fact that in order to achieve organizational goals, all involved in the system have to accommodated and looked after with the same level of interest. Respect for individuals, irrespective of caste, creed and culture is the key. This is the basic concept of managing diversity and bringing all involved, under the same umbrella with no discrimination and giving all an equal opportunity.There are many different ways of defining equality. When looking at equality initiatives in employment, Equal Opportunities has become a common label. But there are many different definitions of Equal Opportunities. The collins Concise Dictionary defines inequality as the state or quality of being unequal disparity (Collins Concise Dictionary, 1989, p.639). In determining inequality, a good judgement has to be made about whether social difference is better or worse (Vincent, 1995, p.4). The focus (of EO) is on preventing unfair discrimination, so that when two people have the

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