Thursday, June 6, 2019

High school Essay Example for Free

High school EssayIn the last semester of junior high school, I left(p) home for my study experience in Sydney. Though I initially had a hard time because of language barrier, I later made friends with my evoke enthusiasm and friendliness. Thereafter, I also studied abroad in Canada, an experience that helped expand my general perspectives in life. Here I also faced whatever unpleasant and embarrassing racial prejudice but my approach with positive view of life won over many as friends. High schools experiences helped me device through the long and arduous time when I served in the military. The two years and nine months of military service transformed me into an individual with strength, patience, and will power. During cloggy training I bit down and became even more involved. The training was usually exhausting, but the feeling of pride do in comforted in us a sense of confidence and will power. As our unit was placed along side American troops near the military perimeter, many American officers and soldiers came to inspect our unit. One day I was summoned by the battalion commander as an interpreter, and ever since then my area of specialty changed from a counterattack gun to the case of an aide to the battalion commander.Life there was not one for soldiers but for executive ranks in the battalion and was full of hardships for a mere soldier standardized myself. Again, I developed good relationship with many in the executive ranks with my characteristically enthusiastic personality. I fully utilized my influence to act as a negotiator between the two groups when conflicts arose. I was able to overcome jealousy of fellow soldiersand we laterrelied on each other for mutual relationship. I still fondly look back to the fulfilling memories of how my small help brought back liveliness to our days in the battalion.The cherishment of these memories and the continuation of personal development are made accomplishable by the help of my family, who arrest always been by my side and have always been my greatest supporters. I strongly believe that my wonderful personality comes from my family. I have been born into the happiest family in the world, and grew under the worlds most outstanding parents. My conservative father taught me the importance of leadership, responsibility, and diligence through daily activities I do in life, and my mother personally showed me endless love.My brother equally gave me an unwavering support, revealing to me those things that are important in my life for consolidation. The memories I have from my past experiences make up my life, and they are the motivation that cheer me to continually forge ahead in life. My family, friends, and even the people that I say how-dye-do to whose names I dont even know are all part of my network and my life. I have thus learned from unforgettable experiences and strongly convinced that a positive viewpoint lends happiness in life. With confidence and pride I look forward to writing

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