Thursday, June 13, 2019

How does Robert Grave's The naked and the nude (1957) use concrete Essay

How does Robert Graves The naked and the nude (1957) use concrete diction in order to draw a trait between the naked and the nude - Essay ExampleNevertheless, the heart of the poem is the controversy between the naked and the nude. The first and probably initial meaning of nudeness is anatomical, as in the following synecdoche The Hippocratic eye will see In desolation, anatomy (ls. 3-4), but the secret meaning of the term is freedom, absence of confound and ignorance of scorn. Nudity, thus, points to the social meaning of nakedness deficiency of dress (4), prohibited and scorned by most people. The nude should be understood as those blaming and judging the naked with ghostlike or moral values They grin a mock-religious grin Of scorn at those of naked skin (17-18). Another meaning of nakedness is therefore the reply of scorn and hatred, addressed to both nudity and nakedness as indecent. When the person is nude, they feel themselves an anatomical pattern, a body, similar to oth er human bodies of the same gender, whereas nakedness indicates that each body is a unique and exceptional piece of art, as in the following metaphor And naked shines the Goddess when She mounts her lion among men (11-12).

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