Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Controversial Issue Of Genetically Modified Foods
There are several controversial issues confronting us today; from Universal Healthcare (Obama Care) to Stem Cell research, to vaccinations, to genetically engineered (GE)/genetically modified (GM) foods. However, I shall look at genetically modified foods as the controversial issue for this article. I shall look at an article from the mass media about this controversial public health issue and place emphasis on the message the document wants to convey and address any biases that may be within. In addition, I shall provide additional data or facts from another article to see if it supports or refutes the controversial message. It is my intention that this article will provide some clarity on genetically modified foods confronting us in the United States and the world over. Since the successful cloning of Dolly, the sheep, in July 5, 1996, Biotechnology has been praised and castigated at the same time. It has been the center of controversies and has come under fire from scientific comm unities, political leaders, religious leaders, and public interest groups. Ethical and moral issues have been the leading causes of this controversial topic from the scientific community, political leaders, and religious leaders. However, fear, misinformation, or lack of knowledge about gene manipulation or genetic engineering seems to be the leading concerns of public interest groups. When you hear the term Genetically Modified Foods, what is the thought that comes to mind? Is it cancer?Show MoreRelatedThe Controversial Issue Of Public Health Issue725 Words  | 3 Pages#5 Prof: Dr. Praphul Joshi 10/23/2013 Controversial Public Health Issue There are several controversial issues confronting us today; from Universal Healthcare (Obama Care) to Stem Cell research, to vaccinations, to genetically engineered (GE)/genetically modified (GM) foods. However, I shall look at genetically modified foods as the controversial issue for this article. I shall look at an article from the mass media about this controversial public health issue and place emphasis on the message theRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms745 Words  | 3 PagesGenetically Modified Organisms In the present day, if people were asked to name a controversial issue related to genetics, genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) would definitely come up most of the time. This topic has been all over the news for the past few years and it has caught people’s attention. Do they benefit society as a whole? Are they a threat to the public’s health? Should scientists even manipulate genes in organisms? A great deal of questions and doubts have arisen regarding GMO’sRead MoreGenetic Engineering : Genetically Modified Organisms1485 Words  | 6 PagesA genetically modified organism, or â€Å"GMO,†is defined as being, â€Å"an organism or microorganism whose genetic material has been altered by means of genetic engineering.†This process is often used in plants and animals to produce desirable attributes. In the past, a plant with a desired attribute would be bred, by using selective breeding, to yield more plants with that desirable attribu te. Now with the advancement of genetic engineering, this technique can be performed in a laboratory by moving orRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Engineered Food1240 Words  | 5 Pagesincreasing food abundance is an increasingly popular, yet controversial practice in the 21st century. Genetic engineering of food is done for a number of reasons, the biggest of which is increasing food supplies in the world, especially for the third world countries. However, there are arguments and even activist movements against genetic engineering of food, which begs the question â€Å"why is genetically engineered food so controversial?†The pro and con arguments of the genetic engineering of food cannotRead MoreGenetic Engineering: Good or Bad?899 Words  | 4 Pagesmodify the genes of living organisms is a very controversial subject, spawning many debates about its uses, ethics, and dangers. On one hand, the possibility of modifying livestock and plants to produce more food and usef ul products is tempting. Medical uses for genetic modification are also abundant, and can change medicine for the better. On the other hand, problems about the ethicality of tampering with the natural world, legal rights on genetically altered organisms, and various possible negativeRead MoreIt Was Only The Beginning Of The Late 20Th Century, When1269 Words  | 6 Pagesbecome an important controversial issue in our society. Its consequences can be devastating, but if used correctly, could help shape the world into a different place. However, even at this moment, people still question its integrity and proper use. Along with genetic engineering, the choice to regulate mandatory laws for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is disputed. The question concerns whether the government should require labels on all genetically modified foods or let the food companies decideRead MoreEnvironmental And Consumer Organizations Protest Against Genetic Engineering1495 Words  | 6 Pages19 90s, when genetically modified organisms became available, its consumption has been increasing rapidly (Nelson, 2001). The most common genetically modified crops include corn, sugar, cotton, dairy, rice, potatoes and tomatoes. There are opponents and supporters of GMO alike. Environmental and consumer organizations protest against genetic engineering claiming that the GMO foods bring risks to human health. On the supporting side, it is believed that the use of genetically modified crops providesRead MoreGenetically Modified Food: Undertanding How Genes Affect an Organism632 Words  | 3 PagesDuring the last few decades, genetically modifying foods have increasingly advanced. Understanding how genes affect an organism is one of these advancements and with this geneticists have begun to alter original genes found in foods. Altering the genes of food has placed the name â€Å"genetically modified†on these foods. Currently, around the World, genetically modifying foods is a very controversial topic and has people wondering if altering with our food is good or bad thing. â€Å"While legal challengesRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Food1330 Words  | 6 Pages Everyone has heard of genetically modified food. They have become so prominent in the United States and fill up a majority of our supermarkets. There has been controversy over the past few years on whether genetically modifying animals and crops is ethical and safe. But what a majority of Americans lack is knowledge of genetic engineering (GE). Many Americans hear the term genetically modified organism (GMO) and think it sounds scary or bad. They decide to be against the techniques of GE beforeRead MoreGood Or Bad? ( Parent Vs O Leary Debate1639 Words  | 7 PagesGMFs: Good Or Bad? (Parent vs O’Leary Debate) Genetically modified foods, known as GMFs, are an extremely controversial subject. By definition, GMO’s are, â€Å"organisms whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there.†Scientists genetically engineer these foods to, for example, contain an additional vitamin or weather withstanding qualities. Relatively recently, Kevin O’Leary, who was in favor of GMFs, and Rachel
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